

100次浏览     发布时间:2024-08-13 13:16:19     编辑: 翻吧

今天是“六一”儿童节(Children's Day),是全世界孩子们的节日。我们会来了解一下一些有关孩子们的词汇吧!



Kindergarchy, refers to rule or domination by children, or the belief that children's needs and preferences take precedence over those of their parents or other adults.





Latchkey kid or latchkey child refers to a child who returns from school to an empty home because his or her parent or parents are away at work, or a child who is often left at home with little or no parental supervision.





Maybe Later' children comes from the response dished out when Mummy or Daddy are asked to play a game or read a story or simply run around the garden.

'Maybe Later' children(“以后再说”儿童)这个说法来源于那些忙碌的父母,当孩子要求爸爸或妈妈陪他们一起玩游戏或给他们读个故事,或者仅仅是跟他们一起围着花园跑一圈时,爸爸妈妈们最常给出的就是这个回答“Maybe Later”(以后再说)。



"望子成龙,望女成凤”似乎是很多家长的想法,自己年轻时没有实现的理想要让自己的下一代来实现。于是,模范、标兵、优秀…各种各样能在父母脸上贴金的荣誉诞生了。小朋友们则被包装成了trophy child。

Trophy childrefers to a child used to impress other people and enhance the status of the parents. The child has to fit into the perfect picture of what the family is supposed to look like. They have to be in the best schools; they always have to look good. Their parents are so narcissistic, they can't see their child as an individual, only a reflection of themselves.




Hurried child syndromerefers to a condition in which parents overschedule their children's lives, push them hard for academic success, and expect them to behave and react as miniature adults.

Hurried child syndrome(忙碌儿童综合症/揠苗助长综合症)指的是家长将孩子的生活安排得过满、极力要求孩子在学业上取得佳绩,并且希望孩子像小大人一样行为和做事的现象。

忙碌儿童综合症的症状之一就是强迫学龄前儿童不断参加各种班和特长培训,以帮助他们为入学做好准备。这种现象也被称为“温室培育”(hothousing )和“超级宝贝综合症”(the superbaby syndrome )。




The expression “free range” usually relates to animals - often chickens and cows that range or go looking freely for food, rather than being closed in a cage or yard.

“Free range(自由放养)”这个短语通常与动物有关,指鸡或牛被放散出去自己觅食,而不是被关在笼子或牛圈里喂养。

The idea behind this is that animals allowed to wander about and be free will be happier and healthier and thus be better for human consumption.


So the idea of a free-range kidis that the child was allowed a fair amount of freedom by their parents while growing up. It’s said that this group of kids are more likely to thrive than those who are strictly monitored by parents. Allowing one's children free time is called free-range parenting.



They may be the stereotypical butt of jokes. But mummy's boysare less likely to suffer from poor mental health or unpopularity at school, research suggests.


And the same is true for daddy's girls, who enjoy a similar lift in their self-esteem and confidence.


美国婚姻基金会开展的这项研究得出结论称,与妈妈关系亲密的男孩和与爸爸关系亲密的女孩更适应青春期(teenage life)。